I was reading an article in foreign policy that was talking about the state of democracy in the world today (http%3A%2F%2Fwww.foreignpolicy.com%2Farticles%2F2013%2F03%2F04%2Fone_step_forward_two_steps_back%3Fwp_login_redirect%3D0). It reminded me of a discussion I had in college with some friends about democracy. Specifically we talked about whether US style democracy can work in all contexts. Honestly maybe power doesn't always have to be separated the same way as in our system. Maybe sometimes having a President who writes the laws and creates the taxes on their own can work. But I still am of the opinion that in such a state if a tax was directly causing people to literally starve they should at least be able to sue for the law to be changed in front of an assembly of elected leaders. I guess my personal cardinal statement would be this.....Power should NEVER be absolute. No one person or group should hold absolute power of life and death over another. Their has to be someway for the controlled group to seek redress if the group in power goes too far
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